It was so exciting to finally enjoy our first truffle meal at Truffle Valley last year. We never imagined that we would be eating truffles from our own truffle orchard in just the fourth winter after its establishment. Comparatively speaking, this is an early yield. So we were very happy to make cheese toasties with grated truffle on top. Our first ever truffle snack!
After years of hard work, this event was incredibly satisfying and that cheese toast tasted so good. Some of the tasks involved in the years that went before our first harvest included: soil conditioning, establishing the orchard, careful orchard maintenance and training our beloved truffle hunters. Honestly though, the life of a truffle grower has been a joyful adventure and we look forward to many more years of successful truffle production at our Truffle Valley farm in the Yarra Valley.
We enjoyed our first truffle dinner with family and friends. They are dubbed ‘our workforce’ because they are very ‘hands on’ and always willing to help out in the orchard. This was a much deserved reward for all their hard work.
It was a source of great satisfaction to be eating truffles from our own farm. The pumpkin soup was delicious but another favourite was the truffled fettuccine.
There are so many amazing and creative recipes for cooking with truffles and the images on our truffles page showcases some good examples. Chefs and home cooks will discover new and exciting ways to enhance their culinary creations with this exotic fungi.
We are very much looking forward to a productive season in 2022, as we open our farm gates to people wanting to visit our Truffle Shop and purchase our amazing truffles. Visitors will be greeted by a true country style welcome and will be delighted by the quaint simplicity of the rustic Truffle Shop at Truffle Valley.